Hijab for big body

  • Diposting oleh 'Iffah Aanisah
  • di 18.28 -
  • 0 komentar
The development of Muslim fashion quickly in the fashion world today, it is also more diverse models, colors, type and tone. It is of course that the hijaber can appear more fashionable without forgetting orders not close the genitals.
Hijaber which has a slim body would be very suitable wearing various types and models of any Muslim clothes. But for women who tend to have a great body, would probably tend to feel less confident with her figure because of his appearance will increasingly look great by using Islamic dress that covers the entire body.

But apparently that's not entirely true, because hijaber overweight can still look beautiful even with appropriate Muslim clothing. Well, for that, follow the tips below to deal with Muslim dress for the owner of a fat body in order to look slimmer:
1. Avoid Body DentWe recommend that if you have a great body so avoid clothing that can shape your curves, so choose clothing or loose clothing. This is of course with the aim of filling the gap in your body. Do not worry about the model, because now many Muslim clothing with large models that have a kind, unique patterns and motifs and of course keep it interesting.
2. Notice the patternWear clothes that the model also has a small pattern. Do not ever wear patterned Moslem great because it will in turn make you more visible fat. You will be able to look slim and beautiful when wearing Muslim fashion patterned.
3. Motive Vertical LinesTo anticipate slender body to be more visible, then select the vertical line pattern for Muslim fashion. With the vertical line pattern will make your body look taller. With lines forming the vertical pattern will form a more slender silhouette. So that you can cover the shortfall.
4. The Right IngredientsIn addition to the type and model of the clothes should also note that subject matter, avoid muslin dress with shiny material, it will further clarify this because your body is already large. Should select Moslem made like cotton, shirts, etc.
5. Combine ColourBecause it has a great body then does not have to always wear dark colors, if you want to wear bright colors, it can be circumvented so that the display can look beautiful and attractive. For example by putting a dark color on the body only and use bright colors on other body parts. Like for example if you have a big arm, then use a dark colored shirt that depth which can be combined with brightly colored outputs.
6. Models CanalTo anticipate wide hips, then you should wear overalls dipadupadankankan models with a blazer. Blazer function here which will help balance the body shape, making it look more slender.
7. Wear Loose CelamaIn addition to the models wearing Muslim clothing overalls, big hips can also be circumvented by wearing loose pants. It is important to remember to never wear pants that narrowed at the bottom because it will make you more visible fat. In addition, if you wear baggy pants, so always make sure you wear tops that are not too crowded patterned.
Similarly tips to deal with Muslim women who are obese appear to be beautiful and attractive with so pleasant to the eye dipndang. Hopefully the above information may be useful to you Muslim women who tend to have a large body.


Written by Admin

Beauty is not everything. but how do we handle this extraordinary thing. it is the way we take care of our beauty and the beautiful sexy without having to open the veil and hijab. all my pretty friends, please leave your comments below. thank you

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